Making Bath & Shower Time Fun with Our Kid’s Collection

Summer is here, the sun is warm, and your kids are outside playing in the dirt, walking in the creek barefoot, or climbing trees and digging up worms. It’s all part of the summer experience. It’s fun to see our kids enjoying nature and off of their digital devices. At the end of the day, the kids stomp in the house with feet covered in dirt, sticks in their hair, and sweat-soaked clothes…with a few popsicle stains of course. Nightly baths and showers become quite necessary these days. But of course, your kids aren’t going to make it that easy…and if they do, I need some coaching from that parent. Because I get hit with the “I’m not that dirty” or “I already showered last night mom!”. Sometimes, getting the kids to bathe can be quite the headache – and I know I’m not alone on this one!

How can we make bathing fun or at least tolerable for our kids? One of my favorite things to keep stocked up on is bath bombs, shower steamers, and other fun bath products that make a great incentive to keep the after-dinner groaning and grumbling to a minimum. At Simply Home Store we have a wide variety of soap products specifically made for kids using gentle, safe ingredients with many different scents and silly names. One of my favorites is the soap-infused sponges using goat milk soap (which is great for sensitive skin and rashes) and some interesting scents that are sure to make you laugh. Love Potion, Monkey Farts, Unicorn Farts, Monster Be Gone, and Blue Slushie are a some of the scents available. I can imagine these will spark some silly conversations and play amongst the kids and could possibly be a life saver for ALL parents!

Head over to the “Shop” tab, and browse our kid’s collection of soaps, bath bombs, shower steamers, and more! You might even find something for yourself!